Green Enforcer: MI6 Spying on Nations to Ensure They Abide by Climate Change Pledges, Chief Admits
SOURCE: BREITBARTPHOTO: “The MI6 Building, Vauxhall, London.” by Jim Linwood is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Foreign intelligence service MI6…
Why did the EU invite Greta Thunberg and not Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus?
SOURCE: CLINTELPHOTO: BENGT NYMAN Essay “Undue Climate Haste” 21 April 2021 Optimum economic outturn is seen at 3.5 degrees Celsius…
SOURCE: Carl Teichrib, With Audrey Vanderkley The Great Reset dangles before us: a global public-private partnership that follows the mystic…
Climate crisis: UK ‘to raise emissions cut target to 78% by 2035’ ahead of Cop26
SOURCE: INDEPENDENT Boris Johnson is preparing to announce a fresh target to reduce the UK‘s carbon emissions ahead of the Cop26 international climate change summit later…
Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails
SOURCE: Brandon Smith, Alt-market It might sound like “US exceptionalism” to point this out (…and how very dare I), but…
Mastercard Launches Tool For Banks To Help Consumers Calculate Carbon Footprint
SOURCE: PYMNTS.COMPHOTO: PIXABAY Mastercard and Swedish FinTech Doconomy have collaborated to develop a tool that lets consumers calculate the carbon footprint of their…
THE CLIMATE BLAME GAME Are we really causing extreme weather?
SOURCE: William M Briggs via GWPF SummaryClaims made in so-called climate change event attribution studies suffer from gross over-certainties and…
France to ban some domestic flights where train available
SOURCE: The Guardian French MPs have voted to suspend domestic airline flights on routes that can be travelled by direct…
Public ready to accept vaccine passports – and keep them after pandemic is over
SOURCE: A majority of Britons are prepared to be asked to show vaccine passports to board buses, go shopping and go…
An anti–global warming hysteria book is driving Norwegian warming hysterics nuts
SOURCE: American Thinker Other than by misspelling “fjord,” how would an American geologist draw the ire of a pair of…